

Provided by the International Finance Corporation

Learn to better manage the financials of your business by watching our interactive videos on these accounting and finance topics.

The Cashflow Statement

Learn how to create a cash flow statement and why your business will benefit from it.

Introduction to Costs

Get to know different types of costs and how to calculate your businesses’ break-even point.

Controlling Costs

Watch this video to know more about ways to increase profits by controlling your costs.

Income Statement

Find out how to plan for the future of your business by monitoring your profits and losses.

Balance Sheet

Explore how to create a balance sheet and why it is important to your business.

Overview of Financial Analysis

Understand how periodic financial analysis will help making proper decisions for your business.

How to Create a Business Plan

Explore why a business plan is important for your business and how to create one.

How to Finance your Business

Watch this video to know more about ways to finance your business.

How to Apply for a Loan

Learn about loan characteristics and how to qualify for a bank loan.

Importance of Liquidity

Understand the concept of liquidity and why it is important for your business.

Profitability Ratios

Analyze the profitability of your company to discern which activities or assets are making money for you.

Managing your Inventory

Learn how to save money by managing your inventory efficiently.

Market Research

Learn how market research can affect your company’s bottom line and improve your marketing.

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